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  1. Bit of a weird question, but I'm quite confused with this. When I try to cover songs that the artist seems to be singing in a range around their spoken voice it's much harder for me and I'm straining to hit relatively low notes like g1. I'm attaching a little sample, just two lines from a Rolling Stones song. g1 is actually the highest note I'm trying to sing there, and as you can probably hear I'm straining and I'm on the verge of going into falsetto. But when Mick Jagger does is it seems natural and around his spoken frequency. Not that I'm trying to be Mick Jagger, it's just bugging me why this is the case and it sounds so much different although I'm singing the same notes as him. At this point I'm not even 100% sure I was singing in the same octave, maybe I was singing an octave higher, so in my recording I did it first in an octave I believe Jagger's singing in and then an octave lower, for comparison. So I guess I'm trying to ask which one of those two little two line performances is in the octave of the original.  It also happens with other songs. I tried to do the Jeff Buckley version of Hallelujah and again during the highest notes he seems to be comfortable but when I try it I feel like I'm trying to sing an opera aria (it's on the same soundcloud account if you're interested). Pleas help me suss out what's happening, it's really annoying that I can't.   here's me:  here's the original (the link is to the line I'm singing):  >   Thanks a bunch guys
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